Thursday, February 2, 2012

The other day I had a major cramp in the area of my stoma. Now, I have had leg cramps before but never in my abdomen. It happened when I was doing a modified version of downward dog yoga pose. The the next day my bag broke in a new area :( This morning my bag broke again and the skin around my stoma is fire red and stings. My stoma seems to have shrunk again and it is barely sticking out...not g...ood because the wafer isn't very secure (that's the piece that sticks to my skin and the pouch attachs to it) If it isn't a snug fit the bag will continue to break. Now I don't know why the stoma shrank but I have been eating fresh oranges this week and my stool isn't as firm as I would like. I don't know if there is a connection but I will stop eating the oranges to see if that helps. Meanwhile I have an appointment to see my stoma nurse tomorrow to take care of the flareup on my skin.
Eat your fruits & veggies!   xo   Inge

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