Friday, February 10, 2012

Date Coconut Rolls with Almonds

I have a sweet tooth. Chocolate is my biggest addiction...I am powerless over it and when there is chocolate around, especially dark chocolate I eat some. There are always goodies at the nurse's kitchen in the infusion center, brought in by thankful patients, so I try to stay out of there but it's also where the frig is and the drinks for the patients are kept there. The other day my sister-in-law told me about date coconut rolls with almonds...she said they taste like Almond Joy, but are I found them at Sprouts in the bulk section. Dates are alkaline and anyone who knows me knows I am all about keeping my system alkaline. I think the coconut flakes are alkaline too because they aren't dried. Dried coconut is acid, fresh is alkaline. I keep mine in the frig so they stay fresh and when I get that urge to have a sweet I pop one in my mouth and my craving is satisfied.
Eat your fruits & veggies!   xo Inge

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