Sunday, January 6, 2013

Parsley isn't just a pretty garnish. Do you know it has anti-oxident properties like luteolin, a flavonoid that searches out and kills free radicals in the body? It contains an organic compound called myristicin that can stop the formation o...f tumors (like in the lungs) and helps fight against colon and prostrate cancer. Two tablespoons of parsley contains 153% of the RDA of vitamin K, which is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens the composition of our bones. It also prevents calcium build-up in our tissue that can lead to cardiovascular disease. Parsley contains vitamin C an effective anti-inflammatory agent within the body... inflammation is bad news for our bodies. Oh, I almost alkaline! Anyone who knows me -- knows alkaline is my favorite food group.
Parsley doesn't taste so great to me so I add it to my daily green smoothie. I am drinking one right now.... I threw in 1/4 cup parsley, 1/2 cup kale, one banana, 1/5 cup spring water, 1/4 organic soymilk, and splash orange juice.

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