Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What great day! I had a long conversation with my social worker this morning. It was more like a "girlfriends" conversation...not worker-client. I am so lucky to have her in my life and before we hung up, she said she will help me get my medical care. I am fortunate because I am in the "survellience" radiation...but I still need to be scanned every 3 months; get my port flush...ed; get a bloodtest every 3 months, and a physical exam. Now it's up to me to do everything in my power to stay healthy by eating healthy, which for me means going vegan; to keep my stress to a minimum either by meditating, dancing, watching funny shows and staying positive.

Then when I got home a box was waiting for me that contained a one month supply of ostomy appliances. I am so stoked! If you read an earlier post you know there are major changes to my MediCal and I was worried that I couldn't get my medical treatment. After I got out of my funk (which lasted for one day) I pulled myself together and looked into my options. This arrival of ostomy supplies was a complete surprise and I believe a sign that all is good. That's what Abraham Hicks would say anyway.

I have alot to be grateful for and I will work hard to remember that!

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